Tuesday, October 5, 2010



To remove navbar

Search for the following line of code:
Before the line, add in the following line of code:
#navbar { display: none; }
#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; }


Wordle: 21st century


Adding extra email addresses


From: http://mhetherington.net/blogs/?p=8  (worth looking at the rest of this page)

These instructions assume you just want to build a class page - but the process also gives you a blog for each pupil.

"If you are interested in doing something like this for your students, here is the quick how-to:

•Go to James Farmer’s Learnerblogs.org, and register a Wordpress blog for yourself. This will become the main class blog where all student posts and comments will appear. You will be the administator of this site and will control all posts, comments and access.

•Go back to Learnerblogs.org and register a blog for each of your students, using only their first name or a first name last initial as the username. Use your own email address for each student’s registration. Since the October 2006 upgrade, Wordpress no longer allows multiple blogs to be registered to the same email address. If you have a gmail account this can be easily resolved by generating and assigning a seperate email address for each student. To do this, just add a + sign and the students first name after your gmail address. (youraddress+student1@gmail.com) Each student’s username and password will be emailed to you. Organize the emails by homeroom if you a dealing with more than one class. "


Upload videos or use MovieMaker to upload your audio file with added pictures.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Using Podomatic

Of interest if you want to make podcasts and link to them.

Add a Voki! A character that speaks

Get a Voki now!

Adding audio files

Very easy - click on the name to go to http://vocaroo.com/ and the play button to just hear what I have recorded.

panther gif

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jump Breaks


If you have too much text and want to add a read more option then use the jump break icon